2024Year-End Review

In the Fall session of the Book Club, we talked about GROUP-MINDEDNESS.

Virginia is our champion for GROUP-MINDEDNESS.

She was of Dr. Low's very sick patients. The description of her when she was sick is in Vicious Cycle and Vitalizing Cycle, from Mental Health Through Will Training, chapter 45, page 368 in the 1997 edition.

This is Virginia after her RI training:

BALANCED HABITS, from Manage Your Fears, Manage Your Anger, lecture 37, page 226

“But you cannot get group habits - this means habits working in the service of the group welfare - unless you control them. And the control was done by the group principle as we want to call it now. Temper is not eliminated. It is not weeded out, otherwise you would weed out your nature. But it is pressed down and control is pushed up, and that is that kind of balance in which the group reactions predominate over the individualistic reactions.”

In the Summer Podcast Series we focused on MOTIONLESS SITTING and the WEAKEST LINK.

Our champion for the WEAKEST LINK is Frank.

Muscles and Mental Health, from Mental Health Through Will Training, chapter 4, page 61 in the 1997 edition

“I remember our doctor once saying in class that it is the minor symptoms that must be worked on first. But I couldn't tell a minor symptom when I saw one. Today, I know that it is not so much the weakest symptom that must be handled but the simplest method that must be used. And the simplest method is control of muscles. Ever since I used my muscles to walk on, fatigue or no fatigue, I am no longer troubled with that awful tiredness. And since I have been using my muscles not to toss in bed, I have no trouble sleeping.”

In the Spring session we talked about BALANCE.

We discussed unbalanced habits that fall under Romanticism and Intellectualism. When we adopt a Realistic philosophy, we create a balanced life.

Carol is our champion for BALANCE.

EXCEPTIONALITY AND AVERAGENESS; SENTIMENALISM AND REALISM, from Mental Health Through Will Training, chapter 6, page 80 in the 1997 edition

“Carol: At first, I had all kinds of wild thoughts of danger. But then I said, ‘All right, I am going to say NO to my sensations and feelings and be like my neighbor.’ I was tense, but I dropped the sense of exceptionality and was no longer afraid of being average.

In the Winter session, we talked about ENDORSEMENT.

Florence is our champion for ENDORSEMENT.

TEMPER MASQUERADING AS “FEELING”, from Mental Health Through Will Training, chapter 18, page 174 in the 1997 edition

“I have learned to let the irritation run its course, and it does that in a few minutes. And after my jealousy is gone, I feel good and feel proud that I am able to control it. In this manner, I endorse myself, and that makes me feel better yet.”

Launch Out Loud™

Kate Scott is a web designer, educator, and business strategist helping entrepreneurs build successful + scalable businesses.


Happy New Year 2025-PRACTICE doesn’t make PERFECT!


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