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This page contains the habits list from the first book study.

The list is taken from various writings by Dr. Low, for instance, "A lifelong habit of honesty can be destroyed in short order by bad company or cajolery. Your well established habit of caution can be easily weakened or shattered by the ridicule of the "'smart set.'"

You can download both the habits list and the habits reading in one safe and secure document by clicking on the button below.

Bad habits Good habits
Characteristics Interfere with long range goals and are disruptive of group sentiments Support long range goals and group sentiments
Easy to establish Difficult to establish
The more ugly or disturbing is a habit, the stronger is its hold on the individual. Initially weak but with practice become automatic
Examples of habits Pessimism Balanced views
Self-indulgence Self-discipline
Habit of fearing Thinking calmly
Complaining Silent endurance of discomfort
Temperamental lingo Using the Recovery Language
Sentimentalism and emotionalism Thinking and  acting realistically
Striving for exceptionality Realistic ambition
Thinking in extremes Striving for balance and averageness
Blaming you and  others (temper) Excusing yourself and others
Defeatism Courage
Self-stigma Self-confidence
Impulsivity Self-control
How bad habits develop Nature ("Temper … is born with us.")
By trying to avoid symptoms
Personal decisions
Bad influences
Influence of society
Eliminating bad habits Set realistic goals; don't try to practice perfectly.
Cut out bad influences
Control thoughts
Control muscles
Steady effort
Spot the habit
Endorse for effort
Excuse your failures
Establishing good habits Set realistic goals; don't try to practice perfectly.
Follow the advice of a mentor (such as Dr. Low)
Support of fellows (such as RI groups)
Be consistent
Continuous training
Spot sabotage
The will to bear discomfort