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Habits and Motionless Sitting

Gracias Dave, motionless sitting is something that you remind me to practice. It helps a lot!


Thank you! Just thank you.....at my advanced age (90) I am returning to the practice of Recovery using your kind and generous help. Sitting motionless, perhaps a walk.


Thank you Dave I will enjoy the habit of Motionless Sitting starting with once a week.

A personal story. I had a habit of inconsistent eating (most days not before 2 PM). I discussed with a Recovery Friend who spotted “Drop any exceptionality (home runs) and practice in part acts (small sustainable ratcheting improvements).” My first part act was to have even the smallest sustenance before noon. To date this has added emotional balance to my day.


Very nicely done! I loved this and learned so much. I like the idea of the weakest link and the simplest method in breaking bad habits. I like to look at my struggles as a bad habit and not hollowing it up labeling it as something bigger than it is. I have the habit of negative thinking and am going to use this method to start to change. Thank you!


I like what you said about "the simplest method that must be used". For me it is daily walking, or getting to bed early, or both. Simple things that make a big difference if I make them a habit. Thank you!


Thank you for this. I am grateful for your time, sharing, insight, kindness, and assistance. I am working on developing better habits to have better adaptability to life and be a better person.


Glad I kept the email for the second part. I've been a leader and an assistant leader for many years... Since 1979 where I walked into meeting in Palatine, IL and realized this RI method was for me!


I really enjoyed this week’s topic on procrastination. It’s short and simple and that’s how I remember things:) love the 2-minute meditation in the beginning. It’s a good starting place for me.


Such a well-presented and useful example of using the 'weakest link' tool


Thanks Dave! I look forward to your podcast every week and always pick up an idea that I can try to implement. I really enjoyed your book club zoom meeting last month, I got a lot out of it to help me!

Hey Dave, thank you so much. It’s always hard for me to let go of a lot of things. Thanks for this. I think I’ll have to listen more to it. It sent me a positive message that I can do a way with something, as a way of being happy.


Thank you Dave! I loved the 3 minute meditation and the topic of the weakest link. I just tried it in my office and I was able to organize some books that have been in the way. I am going to finish the room at a later date and will get started by tackling the next weakest link in the room which is the closet. Great lesson!


Very nice your voice is very calming!

Dealing with Frustrations

Great example, Dave! In my work, I am frequently frustrated, but I use the Recovery method to neutralize my tension. It is very important in my daily life, to avoid outbursts.

I often use the tool of adjusting my tone of voice, as noted in "Peace versus Power in the Family". Adopting a calm and warm tone calms me, and other people, too.

I agree that our outer success, in accomplishing tasks, in not as important as maintaining our peace. There will always be more opportunities to do things, especially as we grow in our use of the Method. But Dr. Low said something like this: "No outer success is as important as peace in our INNER environment."

Because of the Recovery method, I have been able to work, and to continue working at an advanced age. I have become stronger and happier, and also more useful, as I have become older.

Many thanks to ALL the Recoverites who have shown me the Method.


Thank you for sharing this information, it has given more understanding of the effects of motionless sitting and the definition and action of the benefits of "the weakest link" and motionless sitting.


Thank you Dave for the podcasts. They are psychologically treating and giving simple explanations on how to deal with things that challenge daily life but seem to be hard. The practical bit of practicing rest for those two minutes is priceless. Waiting for the next episode.

Frustration on Vacation

I just listened to your latest episode and wanted to say that it was absolutely fantastic! The topic of motionless sitting was fascinating and you did an excellent job.


Thank you so much Dave for sharing your experience. Indeed we have to pause and take off what brings the stress. For sure, the truth is in many times we lose ourselves because someone has failed to do what we think they have to do and in the end we get tensed up.

Always grateful for the relaxing minutes.

Simplicity and the Weakest Link

I really loved this podcast on the weakest link and simplicity. I also loved the meditation for 3 minutes. I can apply these tools into my life right away! TY Dave !


Wonderful as always....your efforts are more than appreciated; they are life-giving and life-sustaining.


Thank you for providing these sessions. I appreciate your time, energy and sharing on your podcast.

Trusting Our Basic Functions

For me, trusting my basic functions means:

-My body knows how to operate itself for the most part without any thought or intervention from me.
-I can handle whatever comes up; it might not always look perfect (rarely), but I can handle situations as an adult
-I can speak and listen
-If I don't know the answer, I can always ask someone or look up the information


Means to me , enjoying the day, following my dreams.


Trusting my basic functions means to me...
1. Heartbeat
2. Breath
3. Silent voice of trust
4. Listen
5. Think
6. Act
7. Praise


I just found this podcast. Not sure how I missed all the ones before. Thanks for this.

Making Decisions

Hi Dave I like the new format!

Keeping Calm no matter what!

Initially When I listen the first podcast I was wondering if my IPad wasn’t working well. During the silent moment those were my thoughts. And looks for me long. Now I expect with enthusiasm the silent moment and brings me a real moment of calm and relaxation. Motionless sitting a great tool , thanks


This was my first time listening. It came at a great time. I was worked up because of three issues going on. The motionless sitting helped me to get my perspectives in order. I can pick what is needed now and what can wait. Thank you

Cheers! Thanks for joining us this Summer

El miedo es una creencia y las creencias se pueden cambiar. Es un área para felicitarse más. Gracias , por acompañarme a practicar el método.

Google translation: Fear is a belief and beliefs can be changed. This is an area for more self-endorsement. Thank you for joining me in practicing the method.